Resin 4 Script for cloud EC2 video for JavaOne

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Revision as of 00:00, 19 September 2012 by Rick (Talk | contribs)
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  1. Created triad0 server. m1.small.
  2. Install Resin via yum
    1. See Getting Started Guide
  3. Install emacs
    1. $ sudo yum install emacs
  4. Create an admin_password and a system_key too.
    1. $ resinctl generate-password admin faconbacon7
  5. Edit /etc/resin/
    1. $ sudo emacs /etc/resin/

admin_user : admin admin_password : {SSHA}x18npiJhbmK85geKdC5l8Xr7fIT+uxce

admin_user : admin admin_password : {SSHA}aF8k/6ZWcvzmMJ9jTWNHGxi+0Uc+3w6r

Properties for triad0:

elastic_cloud_enable : true home_cluster : app home_server : app-0 app.https  : 8443 remote_admin_enable : true app_servers : ext: ext: ext: cluster_system_key : changeme

  1. Only if you want admin enabled

web_admin_enable : true web_admin_external : true web_admin_ssl : true admin_user : admin admin_password : {SSHA}generatethispasswordwithREsinCTL/XJCE

TODO Talk about how to configure Amazon Security Group

Note that remote_admin_enable is needed for ext: discovery.


triad0 = app-0 = ext: triad1 = app-1 = ext: triad2 = app-2 = ext:

5) Install the license file

6) Clone triad0 then make triad1 and triad2 from the clone

7) Assign the triad servers the correct Elastic IPs

8) Modify home_server for triad1 and triad2 to app-1 and app-2 respectively.

9) Go to resin-admin of triad0 and see if it sees triad1 and triad2

10) Create another clone called elastic1

Add this elastic_server : true

Remove home_server (comment it out)

11) Go to resin-admin of triad0 and see if it sees the elastic server

12) Clone and spin up another elastic server

13) Go to resin-admin of triad0 and see if it sees the elastic server

14) Try to deploy a small war file to all remotely

ssh -i resin2.pem ec2-user@ ssh -i resin2.pem ec2-user@

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