Installing Resin 4 on Amazon Linux 2012.03

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Amazon Linux is in the Red Hat / Fedora family of Linux distributions. Many steps that work for Amazon Linux AMI 2012.03 will likely work for Red Hat, CentOS and Fedora.

Amazon Linux is CentOS forked at 5.4, and is probably closest to CentOS 6 these days, but truly a fork.

Fire up an Amazon Instance

Fire up an Amazon Instance using Amazon Linux AMI 2012.03. We do not recommend a micro instance at this time. Use a small instance or larger .

Note: Resin can work with a micro instance but is suboptimal. If you decide to use micro instance, do not use them for triad servers, only elastic servers.

Install Resin

Then install Resin as follows using RPM:

$ sudo rpm --import
$ sudo yum install

If the above steps confuses you, make sure you go through the Amazon EC2 tutorial and then return to this step (tutorial from Amazon WS).

If everything went well, then Resin should be installed. You can test this as follows:

$ resinctl status


Resin/4.0.27 status for watchdog at

  watchdog-pid: 1455

server 'app-0' : ACTIVE
  password: missing
  watchdog-user: root
  user: resin(resin)
  root: /var/www
  conf: /etc/resin/resin.xml
  pid: 1570
  uptime: 0 days 00h04
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