EC2: Java EE Cloud Deployment, Clustering, Session Replication, and Setting up Amazon Load Balancer

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This tutorial is a continuation of:

Java EE EC2 Deployment with Resin

There are some issues that IP addresses are ephemeral in EC2. If you restart a server, it loses its IP addresses. Think of DHCP, but the lease expires instantly if the box is not using it. In a spoke / hub architecture, you need to know how to find the hub. The hub is like a cluster DHCP server. It knows the topology of the cluster.

Some changes in the last few releases of Resin work around these issue by allowing Resin to use public IP to find Triad members, and then members exchanging private IP addresses.

Resin typically discovers the server id by looking up the address combination of the instance. In this case, the local boxes do not know any address so you have to tell Resin what the server id is so it can look up the address it. The public IP addresses of an Amazon AMI instance is hidden from that instance, i.e., you will not see it with the ifconfig command.

You need to use the private IP addresses so that you do not incur additional expense of bandwidth metering from Amazon. You need Resin clustering to have session replication and session failover. You also need clustering setup to have cloud deploy where you deploy to one Triad member and that gets replicated to every server in the cluster.

There are some improvements going into 4.0.28 which will make this configuration even easier. This is a how-to for 4.0.27 as soon as 4.0.28 is out, the parts for 4.0.27 will be removed and the recommendation is to change to 4.0.28 for new deployments.

Create two Elastic IP addresses (assuming you are using two machines both in a single Cluster). Use Amazon Console to create another instance of the server you setup in the first tutorial.

The first three static servers in a cluster make up the Triad.

Before you continue, you may want some more background on how Resin's spoke and hub (Triad) clustering architecture works. There are slides decks and white papers available on Resin's cloud and clustering technology which is optimized for EC2.

If you don't have time to read a whitepaper, but want to get the gist of how Resin deployment and clustering works, I recommend this short video Resin Clustering and Cloud Deployment.


Clustering and Session Replication is a Resin Pro feature

You will need to get an evaluation license or a license to use Resin's clustering support. To get an evaluation license go here: Contact.

In Resin 4.0.27 and before to add a license, do the following:

$ scp -i ~/resin2.pem 7777777.license  ec2-user@


The above secure copies the license from your local box to the remote box at

Log in to the remote AWS AMI box and move the file to the right location.

Then for Resin 4.0.27, you will need to do this:
$ ssh -i ~/resin2.pem ec2-user@
$ sudo mv 7777777.license /var/www/licenses/

After you copy the license, then use Resin to make a copy of that AMI instance. You can do this all from the AWS console.

In Resin 4.0.28 and above, to deploy a license locally:

$ resinctl license-add --license 7777777.license 

In Resin 4.0.28 and above, to deploy a license remotely:

$ resinctl license-add --license 7777777.license --address --port 8080 --user admin --password mypassword 

Setup Amazon AMI user-data passing list of triad members

Pass the following user-data to each Amazon instance that is running Resin:

https : 8443
admin_user : admin
admin_password : {SSHA}generatethispasswordwithREsinCTL/XJCE
web_admin_enable : true
remote_cli_enable : true
web_admin_external : true
app_servers : ext: ext:
system_key : changeme890

(New User data is only available after a restart.) Resin reading user-data assumes you followed the step in step one where you setup the ec2.xml file.

Not that ext:{IPADDRESS} denotes that this is a public IP. Resin will use the public address to ask that server what its private addresses is. This is where the system_key comes in. It is the passkey so that Resin can talk to this public address and get its private address.

Pass Server Id

To use this you must pass the server id.

Resin 4.0.27

Modify the /etc/init.d/resin of each server to pass the server id to resinctl. (There is commented block that sets up the id, just uncomment that block and put in the server id).

With the default configuration Server 0 has the app id of app-0 (ext:, whilst Server 1 has the server id of app-1 (ext:

Essentially you are starting up Resin like this on virtual server box 0:

$ sudo resinctl start -server app-0

You are starting it up like this on virtual server box 1:

$ sudo resinctl start -server app-1

Resin 4.0.28

In Resin 4.0.28, you just add home_server to the user data.

For add app-0 as follows:

home_server : app-0
https : 8443
admin_user : admin
admin_password : {SSHA}generatethispasswordwithREsinCTL/XJCE

For add app-1 as follows:

home_server : app-1
https : 8443
admin_user : admin
admin_password : {SSHA}generatethispasswordwithREsinCTL/XJCE

Amazon Load Balancer

Create an Amazon Load Balancer. Add the two instances to the LB. (Use the smallest possible recheck interval for testing). Use sticky cookie support, use application cookie, set the name to JSESSIONID. For more information on how to setup the Amazon Load Balancer go to this Amazon Load Balancer tutorial.

Now you have a LB and session replication just works.

Deploy the war file and show that it is deployed to every server

Deploying to one server in the cluster will automatically deploy to every server in the cluster.

$ resinctl deploy --address --port 8080 --user admin --password mypassword  hello.war

$ resinctl deploy-list --address --port 8080 --user admin --password mypassword


Go ahead and undeploy it and ensure it is undeployed on all three servers.

Setting up a third Triad member

Resin allows up to three Triad members. If you added another machine, you would just duplicate the first server virtual instance again, and run another instance. You would also want to change the Amazon AMI user-data to include the new ip address, and make sure you change the /etc/init.d/resin to pass the right sever id (in this case app-2).

User Data Passed to Resin instances for 4.0.27 and below

https : 8443
admin_user : admin
admin_password : {SSHA}generatethispasswordwithREsinCTL/XJCE
web_admin_enable : true
remote_cli_enable : true
web_admin_external : true
app_servers : ext: ext: ext:
system_key : changeme890

User Data Passed to Resin instances for 4.0.28 and above

home_server : app-0
https : 8443
admin_user : admin
admin_password : {SSHA}generatethispasswordwithREsinCTL/XJCE
web_admin_enable : true
remote_cli_enable : true
web_admin_external : true
app_servers : ext: ext: ext:
cluster_system_key : changeme890

It is app-0 for and app-1 for and app-2 for

You would have to restart all three servers for user-data to be visible. This is a feature/limitation of EC2 and Xen user-data not of Resin. The Amazon AMI instance see that version of the user-data that they are started with and they do not see a new copy unless they are restarted. If you stored this configuration in S3 or a shared disk (or NFS mount), Resin could pick up changes and automatically configure the servers. This is typically non-issue for Resin Triad members because you know ahead of time how many Triad members you are going to have so user-data is perfect for this. Triad public IPs are fairly static so it is ok to manage them with static Amazon AMI user-data.

Setting up a dynamic spoke server

Beyond the first three servers, all other servers can be dynamic. A dynamic server or spoke server talks to the hub (the Triad makes up the hub), and then it joins the cluster.


In 4.0.27 you have to make another copy of that first AMI, remove the part where you modify the /etc/init.d/resin file to add the server-id. Then you need to edit /etc/resin/resin.xml and add <resin:ElasticCloudService/> to the app cluster tag as follows:

  <cluster id="app">

    <!-- define the servers in the cluster -->
    <server-multi id-prefix="app-" address-list="${app_servers}" port="6800"/>

Once you make these changes, take a snapshot of this instance so you can use it to create more servers on the fly.

The user-data for a dynamic server should look like this for Resin 4.0.27:

User Data Passed to Resin instances for 4.0.28 and above

home_cluster : app
https : 8443
admin_user : admin
admin_password : {SSHA}generatethispasswordwithREsinCTL/XJCE
app_servers : ext: ext: ext:
system_key : changeme890


With 4.0.28, you do not need to edit the xml file, you just need to change the user-data as follows:

User Data Passed to Resin instances for 4.0.28 and above

elastic_cloud_enable : true
home_cluster : app
https : 8443
admin_user : admin
admin_password : {SSHA}generatethispasswordwithREsinCTL/XJCE
app_servers : ext: ext: ext:
cluster_system_key : changeme890
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