NginX 1.2.0 versus Resin 4.0.29 performance tests
From Resin 4.0 Wiki
We have recently run some performance benchmarks comparing Resin 4.0.29 versus NginX 1.2.0.
Benchmark tools
The benchmark tests used the following tools:
- httperf
- AutoBench
httperf is tool produced by HP for measuring web server performance. The httperf tool supports HTTP/1.1 keepalives and SSL protocols.
Autobench is a tool for automating the process of performing a comparative benchmark test against two a web servers. Autobench uses httperf. Autobench runs httperf against each host. AutoBench increases the number of requests per seconds on each iteration. AutoBench delivers output in a format that can be easily consumed by spreadsheet tools. AutoBench has a mode where it can drive multiple clients against a set of servers to minimize the possibility of testing your client throughput instead of server throughput. The command autobenchd is used to run a daemon on client machines. The autobench_admin command drives many clients to run test at same time by communicating with autobenchd.